About us

FBTake launched on December 22, 2022, with the vision of making it as easy as possible for users to save content from Facebook for offline access. Users can use FBTake and its services only using their web browser and without installing any application.

We constantly improve the quality of FBTake services and try to keep our users satisfied. We recently added Story Viewer and Story Downloader tools, which users have well received.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide an easy and hassle-free way to save content from Facebook. Our services allow you to save your favorite content from Facebook so that you can access it even when you are not connected to the Internet.

Our services

The tools introduced by FBTake help you have a better Facebook experience. These tools include:

  • Facebook Video Downloader: Download Facebook videos in MP4 format and original quality.
  • Facebook Reels Downloader: Download Reels from Facebook in MP4 format without quality loss.
  • Facebook Story Downloader: Download different types of Facebook stories, including photo, video, and text stories.
  • Facebook Story Viewer: Viewing Facebook stories entirely anonymously.
  • Facebook Private Video Downloader: Download privately published Facebook videos.

Advantages of FBTake

Some of the advantages of FBTake are:

  • Completely Free: All services provided by FBTake are free.
  • Cross-Platform: FBTake is a web-based tool, and you don't need to install anything on your device to use it. You can use it easily and only with your web browser on smartphones, computers, tablets, and laptops.
  • High-Quality Downloads: All the photos and videos you download with FBTake are presented in original quality without quality loss.
  • Easy to Use: FBTake makes it easy to download from FB with a simple user interface, no need to register, and no need to install the app.
  • Multilingual Support: Our service supports various languages to cater to a global audience.
  • MP4 Downloads: FBTake provides FB videos in MP4 format, a common video format well supported by all players.

Our Values

We are committed to providing the following services:

  • Community-oriented: User feedback is critical to us, and we listen to them to improve the efficiency of the site services.
  • Trustworthy: We ensure the privacy of our users by not saving downloaded videos and their download history.
  • Easy-to-Use: We have tried to design FBTake to be easy for everyone to use.

Join Our Community

We invite you to join thousands of satisfied users who have chosen FBTake to save content from Facebook. With FBTake, you can download any kind of content, including videos, reels, and stories, from Facebook and enjoy watching them offline.

Send us your Feedback

We are ready to hear your suggestions, comments, and criticisms. Your feedback helps us improve the quality of FBTake services. To send feedback, you can visit the Contact Us page.